IT skills shortage | By 2030, specialists will be lacking everywhere – what to do?

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On the one hand, the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) is costing jobs. On the other hand, it is causing a shortage of skilled workers as well as a and an IT skills shortage. What sounds paradoxical at first glance is logical on closer inspection. How so?

Where is the demand for skilled workers dwindling?

(This article is largely based on the source: dpa Service, veröffentlicht 19. März 2021, 10:53 Uhr in ZEIT ONLINE) More and more originally skilled jobs are being performed by robots. When we hear the word robot, we immediately picture the large production robots on the production lines. Yet we often overlook the fact that AI is also penetrating areas that were previously the domain of skilled professionals. Here, jobs in offices, administrations and service companies are disappearing – and are unlikely to return.

Where the demand increases strongly? What are the implications for the IT skills shortage?

On the other hand, according to a baseline scenario based on a study by the Boston Consulting Group, Germany will have a shortage of 1.4 million skilled workers in 2030. However, this is only the difference between the debit and credit sides. Overall, however, the shortage of skilled workers adds up to 3 million, according to BCG. This is a demand that cannot simply be covered by retraining measures and lateral entrants. At the same time, the scenario assumes that 1.6 million full-time positions could become redundant. Repetitive activities involving repetitive, standardizable processes are particularly affected. These can be taken over by machines or computers. This transformation toward more automation is driving the IT skills shortage.

International expertise to overcome shortage of skilled workers in Germany

The fight against the shortage of skilled workers is also a fight against the loss of economic power, competitiveness and prosperity. Even today, many companies and industries are therefore looking for skilled workers beyond the borders of Germany and the EU. Particular attention is being paid to expertise from the world of bits and bytes. In the “War for Talent”, German companies increasingly see themselves as candidates for international specialists. Brainsworld supports you with smart digital solutions to recruit exactly the experts your company needs. We offer you support from the search and matchmaking to the procurement of visas and the accompaniment of the IT staff up to their first working day in Germany.


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