Recognition of foreign professional qualifications – Everything clear? Or are there still questions?

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The Skilled Workers Immigration Act, which has been in force since 18.11.2023, makes it easier for jobseekers from third countries and German employers in many respects. For example, the hurdles for one key issue have been lowered – the recognition of foreign qualifications. Nevertheless, there are still many questions about the rules and regulations when applying for recognition of professional qualifications. The Federal Government’s information portal “Recognition in Germany” offers assistance here, such as the “Recognition Finder” in 6 stages as well as information and experience reports. offers you an overview of some central questions and the applicable facts.

Who needs recognition of foreign professional qualifications for what?

Do foreign specialists need to have their degrees and qualifications recognized in order to work in Germany? For specialists already working in Germany, recognition is only mandatory for certain regulated professions. This mainly concerns the areas of security, health and social services. However, anyone wishing to enter Germany from a Third Country (i.e. not from the EU, EEA or Switzerland) will need recognition for all professions before they travel. It is possible to apply for recognition in the country of origin. In order to be able to work in Germany, future employees from third countries must fulfill the following conditions:

Recognition of the professional qualification by the competent authority in Germany
The university degree is recognized as being comparable to a degree in Germany
There is a certificate evaluation for the university degree that supports and assists employees and employers in these processes up to immigration and beyond. We offer both sides our knowledge of the processes in the countries of origin as well as a digital platform specially developed by us to speed up the processes.

What to do if the diploma is missing or recognition is refused?

It is always a good idea to seek advice before applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification. This is the only way foreign skilled workers can prepare themselves optimally. If a certificate is missing, the qualification can also be proven by a work sample. Even if recognition is refused, all is not lost. The implementation of a qualification can lead to the goal here.

The processes outlined here suggest that foreign skilled workers from outside the EU, EEA and Switzerland have a number of tasks to overcome. However, employers are also confronted with a complexity that makes the advice and support of international recruiting experts useful. We are at your disposal here.

Image credit: AI tool Divi.

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