A shortage of skilled workers in Germany | How can we create a culture of arrival?

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Culture of arrival by brainsworld.io | Basically, International recruiting is an important approach to counteracting the shortage of skilled workers in Germany. But what makes our country attractive for qualified immigration? And, how can we ensure that people not only come to us, but also stay? Above all, what is necessary for them to see a perspective with us? Legal facilitations, after all, such as the Skilled Immigration Act, support programs and the reduction of bureaucratic hurdles are one thing. Yet creating a pleasant atmosphere in which to live and work is another.

A culture of welcome is good, a culture of arrival is better

When it comes to skilled workers from abroad and from third countries, it is also clear that a culture of welcome is not far-reaching enough to keep people from shortage occupations in our country. After arriving, the new specialists quite quickly find themselves on the ground in everyday life, and some are often confronted with discrimination and prejudice in their professional and private lives. In addition, cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties in adapting. Furthermore dealing with colleagues and local expectations regarding working hours and methods are also often a challenge for people from abroad. Not to mention the tedious search for accommodation, dealing with the authorities and language difficulties at government offices and in many other life situations, which can fuel frustration and dissatisfaction.

When it comes to the issue of the shortage of skilled workers in Germany, what is needed is a culture of arrival and letting people arrive. This should be culturally sensitive, offer sustainable support and be able to tolerate differences and other customs. Of course, and above all, it should promote respectful and considerate coexistence between people with different cultures, lifestyles and beliefs from different regions of the world.

How can smart international recruiting be designed for long-term success?

brainsword.io offers a solution that is holistically conceived and has a long-term effect. The process of accompanying support begins even before the applicants have left their home countries. This means that we help them to overcome the bureaucratic obstacles in their home country and Germany even before they leave. Even after the matchmaking process, the visa and entry formalities are handled with the help of our own IT platform. The skilled workers receive all the support they need to leave and enter Germany, to overcome the language barrier, to network with other foreign workers in the country of immigration, to register for insurance, to find accommodation and much more.

A culture of arrival that leads to sustainable results

All in all, our aim is to make the integration process a success right up to the first day at the new workplace (and beyond). This benefits both the companies looking for work and the jobseekers from third countries.

Our solution was made possible by excellent contacts in the target markets, in-depth personal knowledge of the local cultural conditions and a technology that puts people at the center.

If you would like to find out more about the shortage of skilled workers in Germany and our solution, you can download our white paper with statistics and insights free of charge here.

Image credit: AI tool Divi.

Fachkräftemangel Deutschland Ankommenskultur by brainsworld.io

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