Where is the bridge across the IT skills gap? – International Recruiting advantage!

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Business companies are looking for them, the public sector is looking for them, research is also looking for them. So, after all, everyone is looking for computer scientists and software developers. A comfortable situation for those who can offer something in this direction. Less comfortable for those who are looking. What is a way out of this situation, which in the long term endangers Germany’s competitiveness and its position as a business location? This is where International Recruiting offers advantage!

Are you still searching or are you already digitizing?

(This article is largely based on the source: Donnerstag, 12. November 2022, Handelsblatt) Why is the skills gap in IT professions so large? Why is this gap growing? And how can one of the largest economies remedy the situation? Where does international recruiting open up advantage? Now an analysis by the Competence Center for Securing Skilled Workers (Kofa) shows how serious the situation really is. It is based at the Institute for Economic Research (IW).

53% of all vacancies are in the IT professions

According to the analysis, there were about 28,700 job openings in IT occupations in October 2021. This would make the skills gap in IT occupations the largest gap in the nation. Experts in computer science are in particularly short supply. In that field, nearly 82 percent of job openings cannot be filled. So, the reasons for the shortage of skilled workers in Germany are many and varied. They are rooted, among other things, in the education system, bureaucracy, demographics.  To this comes a certain lack of technology in some parts of society, and generally rigid structures in many areas.

Economic power, competitiveness, prosperity

If Germany wants to remain at the forefront as a leading economic nation in the future, we need more than visions and discussion. We need to act pragmatically now to close the gaps. Brainsworld sees itself here as part of a concrete solution approach with its placement offer of suitable IT specialists from all over the world. We act globally to address national shortages. To achieve this, we use digital techniques as well as our wide-ranging, worldwide network in the IT sector.


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