How can Vitamin C help against an acute skills shortage of IT specialists?

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If we want to proactively protect ourselves against diseases, we rely – among other things – on exercise and vitamins and nutrients that strengthen our immune system. This is well known. What is less well known is that very specific “vitamin C” can also have a preventive effect against a shortage of skilled workers. In this case, the “C” stands for “connection”, i.e. networking with the relevant candidate pool for the company. As in the case of health prevention, one should also act proactively here. And this should be done long before the shortage of specialists makes itself felt through acute symptoms of weakness.

By the way, plenty of exercise gets the “vitamin connection” balance going

If you don’t want to or can’t wait until a solution to the skilled worker problem “maybe” and “someday” comes knocking at your company’s doors, you approach potential candidates early on. In view of the emerging immense demand for IT specialists, it becomes necessary to go out into the wide world in search of them. Once the question “Where do I find my candidates?” has been answered, proactive outreach can begin. There is a whole arsenal of tools and avenues available for this – from social media activities to referral marketing to networking events (online and face-to-face), talent communities, job fairs as well as approaching inactive candidates. Thanks to the many digital communication options, making contact is much more feasible than in the days of telephone, letter and fax. However, the measures should not be “ad hoc”, but should follow a long-term strategy. Often, action is only taken spontaneously when it already hurts. Measures such as active sourcing and employer branding then do not have the desired effect as acute medicine. Afterwards, it is not uncommon to hear: “We’ve already tried it, it didn’t help.” It would have, however, if … 

Are there other ways than proactively networking yourself on the international stage?

Fortunately, there are IT-based solutions that help you “tap into” existing talent pools. Even if you were not specifically active before. These save you time and money and give you access to international IT specialists., for example, has its own IT platform for global sourcing. We have access to talent pools in South America, Asia and Africa. You communicate what you need, and we activate our “vitamin C” in the markets. That’s how we get the deal done with the professionals you need. Right from the start, you use a strategically structured process. This implies a very good connection and knowledge of the target markets and target personas. Our digital platform for international recruiting simplifies the complex process from international IT recruitment to visa support, relocation, and onboarding.

Image credits: Valerii Apetroaiei, iStock-Fotografie-ID:1323450910

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