Skilled workers search abroad | Where is it worth searching via networked international recruiting?

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Skilled workers search Germany | In principle, Germany is already recruiting skilled workers from various regions of the world to counter the shortage of labor in key industries. And by implementing effective policy measures and support systems, Germany aims to attract and retain qualified workers from third countries. In addition, the smooth integration of specialists into the world of work and society will be supported.

A strategic approach serves this purpose. This not only serves to remedy the current labor shortage, but also promotes long-term employment relationships. Above all, strategic international recruiting that is personally networked and digitally supported in the markets is effective where traditional measures such as headhunting, job platforms etc. fall short. In this particular global context, strategic means: support throughout the entire recruitment and integration process as well as opportunities for both sides – skilled workers and companies – to help shape the process. But where is it worth looking? Here are a few answers to this question.

Skilled workers search: What are shortage occupations with special needs?

Healthcare: Doctors, nurses and other medical professionals.
IT and technology: software developers, engineers and IT specialists.
Skilled trades: electricians, plumbers and other technical specialists.
Hospitality: chefs, hotel staff and other hospitality professions.

However, the following applies here: Coveted skilled workers from Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and non-EU countries are not waiting to be invited to Germany. The really good people are in demand internationally. The competition never sleeps. And the “war for talent” requires long-term strategic thinking and action. It is essential to bring local expertise from international recruiting on board. Too expensive? It doesn’t have to be. The smarter and more efficient the approach, the more budget-friendly the search will be.

Which regions do you prefer to invite to Germany?

Currently, these include the following preferred non-EU regions and target markets:

Asia with the key countries India, the Philippines and Vietnam.
The industries here are: IT and technology (India), healthcare (Philippines) and manufacturing (Vietnam).

Africa with the key countries: Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and Nigeria.
Currently, the main industries here are: Engineering, healthcare and skilled trades.

Latin America with the key countries: Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and Argentina.
Skilled workers search in the following industries in particular are recruited to Germany from this region: Engineering, healthcare, IT and agriculture.

Eastern Europe and the Balkan countries (non-EU)
Currently from the following key countries: Ukraine, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo.
Generally skilled workers search for the following industries: Construction, healthcare and manufacturing.

Middle East with the key countries Turkey, Iran and Syria.
Specialists from the following industries are currently in demand: healthcare, engineering and skilled trades.

Skilled workers search using both personal networks and digitalized 360° processes = sustainable recruitment success

This is precisely where relies on a strategically well thought-out recruitment process. All in all, this relies on a 360° approach from matchmaking to immigration formalities, visa procurement and the EU Blue Card, through an uncomplicated path to long-term residence and family reunification, to support during the integration process at the new workplace. We rely on a unique mix of long-standing personal contacts in key regions and countries, as well as a specially developed digital platform. The targeted interaction of human and intercultural skills ensures cost efficiency and accelerates processes. Book a consultation with our Managing Director and international recruiting expert Sven Damm now.

 Skilled workers search abroad | Where is it worth searching via networked international recruiting? Skilled workers search abroad | Where is it worth searching via networked international recruiting?

Book a consultation with our Managing Director and international recruiting expert Sven Damm now and on this page.

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