@Hinterland of Things Conference – Why we need skilled labor immigration

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This year, was once again at the Hinterland of Things conference in Bielefeld to fly the flag for our cause of a strong business location through skilled immigration from third countries. On June 13, 2024, the leading minds of the German tech scene were represented among 2,500 participants together with entrepreneurs and decision-makers from German SMEs.

Identifying challenges, offering solutions – especially when it comes to the immigration of skilled workers

The focus was on current topics and challenges for start-ups and established companies – but also solutions with the help of new, forward-looking technologies. We were able to take home many suggestions, but also confirmation. This applies to our solution for platform and network-based international recruitment of urgently needed specialists from third countries in Africa, Asia, South America, the Middle East and non-EU Eastern Europe. As keynote speaker, author Sascha Lobo needs to get to the heart of the matter: “Technology alone will not change the world. It needs a change in people’s behavior in order to be effective.” We also believe that there is enough potential for positive change in our country and also in the so-called “hinterland”. What is needed above all is the courage to tackle things.

Skilled immigration needs more than a welcoming culture, it needs a culture of arrival

As the issue of the shortage of skilled workers and its effects, which will become even more noticeable in the near future, also played an important role in this context, our topic of skilled worker immigration was also present on stage. We are convinced that populist political voices that propagate a welcoming culture as a danger and call for remigration are themselves a danger. Not only for the individual people this would affect. But also for the entire social, economic and political future of our country and Europe.

What do we mean by a culture of arrival?

We are therefore going beyond the call for a culture of welcome and are calling for a culture of arrival. What do we mean by this? In general, a culture in which newcomers find a climate in companies and society that makes them happy to stay. This climate can only be created if many people join in. On both sides. The new colleagues on the one hand and the people established here on the other.

If you would like to take a look at the figures and effects of the skills shortage, you can download our free white paper on the topic here: Skills shortage? Still to come.

 Skilled workers search abroad | Where is it worth searching via networked international recruiting? Skilled workers search abroad | Where is it worth searching via networked international recruiting?

Book a consultation with our Managing Director and international recruiting expert Sven Damm now and on this page.

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