International Recruiting Trends – Where is the journey going?

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International Recruiting Trends | Even if many people can no longer hear it: The shortage of skilled workers in Germany is more than just a myth or the usual “lamentations of business people”. It is an increasingly obvious problem. Certainly, the resources that are still available are not being used or are being used inadequately. Sure, career changers and older people are not given enough opportunities. However, the challenges cannot be met entirely with “on-board resources”.

Global competition for the best of the best

This is particularly evident in the areas of IT and AI. We are short of people here who cannot be conjured out of a hat with retraining, further training, better childcare, etc. and a slightly more upbeat recruitment strategy from companies. We are in a fierce global competition for the best of the best. Without targeted immigration of skilled workers, we will fall further behind in the location rankings.

International recruiting trends – what is currently happening where

The latest trends in international recruiting reflect a dynamic landscape characterized by technological advances, changing workforce preferences and global economic conditions. Here are some of the key trends.

Transformation in recruitment is in full swing

Automation: Recruiters are increasingly using AI and automation tools to streamline the hiring process. These technologies help with candidate sourcing, resume screening, interview scheduling and even initial assessments. They make the hiring process more efficient and less one-sided.

Virtualization: The use of virtual job fairs, video interviews and online assessment tools is now widespread. This trend has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, it continues to enjoy great popularity due to its convenience and cost-effectiveness.

Globalization: Companies are expanding their search beyond local talent to include candidates from different geographic regions. This approach not only addresses the skills shortage, but also promotes diversity in the workplace.

Flexibilization: The shift towards remote working has opened up opportunities to recruit international talent without the need to relocate. Companies are more willing to hire candidates who can work from their home country. In addition, many companies are embracing hybrid work models that combine remote and on-site work. This flexibility is attractive to international candidates who may need to travel or prefer a mix of working environments.

The Tables Have Turned – the candidate experience plays a major role

Employer branding and candidate experience: Companies in this country are also investing in their employer brand in order to attract top international talent. This includes showcasing their culture, values and commitment to the wellbeing of their employees on social media, career websites and in employee reviews.

Another step in the right direction is improving the candidate experience. Basically, this means that the recruited are kings and queens. The Tables Have Turned. In general, this means that they want to be treated as equals. Focusing solely on benefits, work-life balance, even shorter working hours and even more money doesn’t really work – and is also an economic dead end.

Clear communication, prompt feedback and a smooth application process are much more important. Companies are using technology to keep applicants informed and up to date throughout the recruitment process. Sounds simple. But the reality is often different. Until all decision-makers participate in the new, innovative recruiting processes, they are not always available. Vacations, illnesses, etc. still too often delay decisions.

Talent analysis and data-driven recruitment – know-how plus know-who

Recruiters use data analysis to make informed hiring decisions. This includes analyzing trends in applicant behavior, labor market conditions and hiring metrics to optimize their strategies.
In addition, predictive analytics are used to forecast hiring needs, identify potential skills gaps and match candidates with the right roles based on historical data and trends.

Skills before degrees? – another tough nut to crack for traditional recruitment

Given the context, companies are shifting their focus from traditional qualifications to specific skills and competencies. This trend is particularly relevant in the technology industry, where practical skills are often more important than formal education.

In this context, employers are looking for candidates who demonstrate a commitment to continuous learning and skills development. Certifications, online courses and practical experience are highly valued.

Cross-border recruitment partnerships – thinking outside the box

Increasingly, companies are partnering with international recruitment agencies and headhunters to tap into global talent pools. These partnerships help to manage the complexity of cross-border recruitment, including legal and logistical challenges. Some companies are also introducing talent exchange programs that allow employees to work in another country for a period of time. This helps with skills development and cultural exchange.

Sounds interesting – but can we afford all this as a medium-sized company?

In fact, many of these trends are only interesting for SMEs if there are innovative providers in the field of international recruiting. They need to break new ground. combines digitalized recruitment of specialists with cross-border recruitment partnerships. The former are based on a specially developed software platform, the latter on long-standing contacts in the target countries, especially outside the EU and the Schengen area – i.e. in third countries.

If you would like to take a look at the figures and effects of the shortage of skilled workers, you can download our free white paper on the subject here : Skills shortage? Still to come.


Internationales Recruiting Trends – Wohin geht die Reise?<br />

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